Chcesz dowiedzieć się więcej o produktach Rawlplug? Odwiedź stronę produktową tej marki!
Statute (187,5 KB)
National Economic Register (483,2 KB)
Tax Identification Number (184,7 KB)
General Assembly Regulations (90,1 KB)
Board of Directors Regulations (47,1 KB)
Supervisory Board Regulations (139 KB)
National Court Register (38 KB)
Rawlplug S.A. Information on the implemented tax strategy 2020 (293KB)
Koelner Rawlplug IP Information on the implemented tax strategy. 2020 (690KB)
Rawlplug S.A. Information on the implemented tax strategy 2021 (229KB)
Koelner Rawlplug IP Information on the implemented tax strategy 2021 (254KB)
Rawlplug S.A. Information about the implemented tax strategy for tax year 2022
Koelner Rawlplug IP sp. z o.o. Information about the implemented tax strategy for tax year 2022